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A prologue: Waiting

A prologue: Waiting
A prologue: Waiting

I am in the process of awaiting a diagnosis - I don't know if I have cancer.

I am a mother of 2, 41yrs old, healthy non-smoker, slim. I am married. I am a health professional and I treat patients with cancer.
This is my story...The prologue:
I had a leaking/sore breast, so I went to my family doctor; she treated me for mastitis and waited. It didn't work… She wanted to send me to see a surgeon at the hospital, so I requested a breast clinic. I made an appointment and waited.
My appointment was Feb 17/2010. I took a number and waited. I was asked to change into a johnny shirt, I did and waited. I had a mammogram and waited. I had an ultrasound and that is when they asked me when I noticed the lump...what lump!!!! I didn't ask ANY questions (remember I am a healthy professional and I know all the questions to ask!)... I smiled when they said come back in 6 months to see if it changes (Why didn't I ask any questions?!)...My mom was waiting for me in the reception area and I reassured her that all was well as they had found a lump and that is why my breast was leaking and sore; we laughed and felt relieved! (Silly eh? Why didn't I ask any questions?)
The next day the reality of what they had found was sinking in and there was no longer any feeling of relief (I freaked!), I made an appointment with my family doctor. We waited for my written results. I have a lump, no specific diagnosis and no solutions for my symptoms.
My doctor has sent me for a second opinion. I am now waiting for a surgeon to see me in May. Even if it isn't cancer how many others have had an experience similar to mine? This is many people's proloque, the fear is real and I haven't shared this with many as I don't wish to worry my family and friends. Wish me luck!


  • Donnez

    Luttez contre le cancer en contribuant à la recherche, au soutien offert aux personnes atteintes et leurs proches ainsi qu’à la prévention et à la défense de l’intérêt public.
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  • Devenez bénévole

    Luttez contre le cancer en donnant de votre temps pour aider à sauver des vies.
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  • Informez-vous

    Luttez contre le cancer en étant plus malin que lui. Informez-vous. Le savoir, c’est le pouvoir.
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