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Two women I know

There are two women I know in the Russell area. One is 85 and has just been diagnosed with breast cancer. She works out regularly, 3 times a week at Curves where I work. She has such a positive attitude and strength. She never misses her workouts unless she is sick and she had surgery just last week and then called to say she couldn't come in this week. She is an inspiration to so many who know and have come to love and admire her.
The other is only 46 and was diagnosed a year ago in April. She has had a rough year, but continues to keep a positive attitude. She plans on going back to work two days a week. She has been told her time could be limited but she doesn't buy that and plans on living life to the fullest. She reminds me of an eagle that soars. I am so inspired by these two women and it proves to me that women have an inner strength that is stronger and braver than we could ever imagine.


  • Donnez

    Luttez contre le cancer en contribuant à la recherche, au soutien offert aux personnes atteintes et leurs proches ainsi qu’à la prévention et à la défense de l’intérêt public.
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    Luttez contre le cancer en donnant de votre temps pour aider à sauver des vies.
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    Luttez contre le cancer en étant plus malin que lui. Informez-vous. Le savoir, c’est le pouvoir.
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