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Not Cancer Again!

My six year journey through Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma and into Prostate cancer, has been rather surprising and also very peaceful.

Six years ago, I was diagnosed with NH Lymphoma. Surgery, chemotherapy and radiation seemed to cure this disease. After five years of followups and cat scans and blood work, I was declared cured by my oncologist. We shook hands, and I thanked the doctor for the fine treatment I received from everyone I met in the process.
About the same month as this happened, during a regular yearly checkup from my family doctor, a raised PSA level was found, The Doctor suggested a prostate biopsy and this was done fairly quickly. I soon discovered that I had an intermediate grade prostate cancer. Anger was my first response. How could I have a second cancer when I had just finished all the five year process of dealing with the first one?
The method of treatment that I choose was hormone treatment for six months and 39 sessions of radiation over an eight week period at the Odette Cancer Center in Toronto. What a great place. Dignity, compassion, and skill seemed to be the watch words of this place. I cannot speak highly enough for the folks who work there. I stayed at the Princess Margaret Lodge in downtown Toronto. Again the experience was wonderful and supportive here.
So I now begin the years of followup for this disease. I am beginning to see that there is a "Cancer Lifestyle" that one carries through life. Support from family and friends has been wonderful. As the member of a parish church staff, I was very aware of the prayer support which was there for me and gave me much peace. The other support was good information. Everyone I met on my "team" was open and honest. All this contributed to the peace that I felt and still feel on this journey.
I am beginning to see how important it is to be open and honest with family and friends. Cancer does not control me. I am in control of my life.


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    Luttez contre le cancer en étant plus malin que lui. Informez-vous. Le savoir, c’est le pouvoir.
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