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Nancy Lee Giles....

Nancy Lee Giles....  My inspiration
Nancy Lee Giles.... My inspiration

My inspiration

The reason I relay is so that other families do not have to go through the heartache of watching a loved one loose a battle to cancer.
My mother in law was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma cancer in 2004. She was given 12 months to live. But due to her love for life and her never give up attitude she had stolen another 5 years from this terrible disease. Watching her deteriorate at such a rapid pace was very heartbreaking for our entire family.
On February 6th, 2010 heaven gained another angel!
In the months previous she had helped me plan one of the largest fundraiser events that I have ever tried my hand at. Together we came up with idea for a benefit dance to help raise money and awareness in Liverpool. If it wasn't for her, this would not have been a success.
So because of her strong will and her big heart, and my love for her, that is why I relay!! I vow to relay each and every year in hopes that someday there will be a cure for all types of Cancer.


  • Donnez

    Luttez contre le cancer en contribuant ? la recherche, au soutien offert aux personnes atteintes et leurs proches ainsi qu’? la pr?vention et ? la d?fense de l’int?r?t public.
    Donnez maintenant

  • Devenez b?n?vole

    Luttez contre le cancer en donnant de votre temps pour aider ? sauver des vies.
    Devenez b?n?vole maintenant

  • Informez-vous

    Luttez contre le cancer en ?tant plus malin que lui. Informez-vous. Le savoir, c’est le pouvoir.
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