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Cancer: A pain in the butt

Cancer for me is quite literally a pain in the tookus - I had stage IIIB anal cancer and I am still here to tell the story!

My journey started in the early autumn of 2009, even though I had no idea I had begun a new chapter. The small things, in hindsight, are the telltale signs that life will never be the same. The summer had been what a summer should be; no work, road trips, friends, beaches, amusement parks and junk food on a stick. It had been a difficult spring for me so I had planned for a blow out summer. At 49 years old I had been experiencing perimenopause symptoms so the spring nights were hotter for me than August in Atlanta. The other symptoms, that made me want to be a man (and I never envy manhood - trust me) had abated by June and thus I started planning roadtrips that would take me into the autumn. In the autumn, then, when I began experiencing symptoms of hemorrhoids, I assumed it was also a part of perimenopause and self-treated with typical over the counter products.
After 6 weeks or so, the mass was very large and the pain was impacting my life, so on the insistence of my fiance, I went to a doctor. The irony was that the doctor told me it wasn't cancer (which had never even entered my mind) but referred me to a surgeon, who, 2 days later, informed me that she suspected anal cancer. Now I had never even heard of anal cancer until that summer when news of Farrah Fawcett's death from it hit the air. Needless to say I was terrified. Anal cancer isn't easy to talk about either - people don't want to hear it and when they asked about my cancer, they didn't know what to say when they heard. Treatment for stage IIIB cancer isn't any fun either but then I suppose no cancer treatment is a walk in the park. In January of 2010, I had a colostomy and then began simultaneous radiation & chemotherapy the day I got out of the hospital with my new 'appliance' (that's the polite name they give to your bag of pooh that hangs off your belly). It was my good fortune, or so my oncologist told me, that I was in perfect health except for the 7cm tumour hanging know where. So they treated it very aggressively, radiation daily for 33 days 2 rounds of chemo that had a bottle attached to my arm for a week each round. When I looked in the mirror, I no longer knew myself...a pouch hanging off of my stomach, a bottle hanging from the newly installed port in my arm, my bottom so badly burned that I couldn't bear to wear anything but the baggiest sweat pants, which I suppose was a blessing since I had lost so much weight that none of my clothing fit anyway and my hair falling out in clumps. It was not a pretty sight, as you can well imagine. But my fiance (now my husband!!) stood by me throughout and my doctors were proactive about making me as comfortable as possible. Their tenacity forced me to have more stamina than I ever thought I could and I came through treatment in a way that even surprised my oncologist, who now calls me her miracle patient. As much respect and genuine affection as I have for her I am looking forward to the day that she tells me I no longer need to see her! One year of no evidence of tumour down, looking forward to a lifetime of no tumours found with my new husband!


  • Donnez

    Luttez contre le cancer en contribuant à la recherche, au soutien offert aux personnes atteintes et leurs proches ainsi qu’à la prévention et à la défense de l’intérêt public.
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    Luttez contre le cancer en donnant de votre temps pour aider à sauver des vies.
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    Luttez contre le cancer en étant plus malin que lui. Informez-vous. Le savoir, c’est le pouvoir.
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