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Renata's Battle

I was diagnosed in 1994 with Hodgkin's Lymphoma about a month before high school graduation. I went through 9 months of Chemo and 5 weeks of Radiation.

In 1994, I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s disease stage 3b. My life was turned upside-down. Losing my hair, and being told that I may not be able to have children. I started Chemo in July for 9 months. In April, I had cat scans done and the doctors were not happy with what they saw; so I had surgery and thankfully the remaining tumor was scar tissue. I started Radiation therapy in June for 5 weeks. During that time I met many people. God works in mysterious ways!!! I met my husband while I was going through Radiation. We have been married for 10 years now and we have 3 beautiful kids. It was a horrible time in my life. But I beat that horrible disease!!!!!


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