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My Angel

When my Dr called and said to come to her office right away with someone, I knew it wasn't good...

It was August 20, 2008 when I took a pregnancy test...

My husband and I had tried to have a baby for 7 1/2 yrs, when out of the blue we became pregnant. In those 7 yrs we had tried everything short of IVF, and than decided we were going to adopt!
When I was 8 months pregnant, my right leg got very swollen and sore. Thinking that I could have blood clots from my pregnancy I went to the Dr and she sent me for an ultrasound. They ruled out blood clots, but did find something behind my knee. The reason for my leg swelling was the baby laying on something that made it swell. They thought it was a hemangioma and wanted to do an MRI, so I was induced at 36 weeks.

They did the MRI and ruled out a hemangioma, it was a tumour. The words were so awful to hear, they weren't sure if it was malignant or benign...

The tests results came back after a few weeks and it was a Soft Tissue Sarcoma. I was definitely scared, but ready to fight! I knew that my daughter was sent to me for a reason. I did 5 weeks of radiation at Princess Margaret in Unit 12. My team was so amazing and I actually enjoyed going everyday! The smile on their faces made it so much easier and they made me feel so comfortable! I even made a few friends while waiting to go in for my treatments. It was really the best of a worst situation.

I enjoyed the rest of my summer with my husband and daughter. We did as much as we could, knowing I would be bed ridden for a bit.

My surgery was set for Sept 4th at Mount Sinai, it was a little scary. They had a specialist on hand as they may have had to cut and reconstruct one of my main arteries. So kissing my daughter, husband and Mom and Dad I ventured in for my 6-8hr surgery.

When I came out I was so happy to hear it went better than planned. They didn't need to reconstruct that artery as the tumour was on top of it.

It did take a few weeks for me to get up and going, and even a few months for my leg to feel a lot better. They told me I would probably need a cane for 3-4 months and I proved to them I wouldn't need one at all!!

I just had my first 3 month check up and it all came back clear!! WOOT WOOT!!

I am so thankful that my daughter was sent to me at the perfect time, because without her theirs a good chance this would of been found too late!


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