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In my own skin

In my own skin
In my own skin

I'm fighting for me and for my family so that cancer can't take anymore of us.

In 2003 at the age of 23, I was diagnosed with melanoma, an aggressive form of skin cancer. I had surgery at the time and the cancer appeared to have been completely excised.
Six years later, in Feb 2009 while excitedly anticipating the birth of our first child, I was diagnosed with a reoccurrence of the melanoma in the same area. This was devastating as my husband and I learned that melanoma can pass to the baby during pregnancy.
After five surgeries to re-excise the area (which all came back negative), we had to wait until the baby was born to proceed with other diagnostic options (MRI, CT, PET) as they were not safe for the baby.
After six months of worry, our wonderful and perfectly healthy baby boy was born in August 2009.
In less than one year, I've had 7 surgeries and endless scans and blood tests. At this time, I am still waiting for the results of more tests to ensure that the cancer hasn't spread to other areas.
Melanoma is a cancer that has genetic tendencies; meaning that my son is also at risk. I am fighting back to empower, inform, support and improve the lives of Canadians living with cancer so that people like my son don't have to battle this disease and I can live in my own skin.
I am also fighting in memory of my Grandma who successfully battled breast cancer over 20 years ago, but sadly passed away from lung cancer in 2008 and wasn't able to be at my wedding or meet her great-grandson.
In June 2010, I will be running in the Relay For Life in order to raise money to fund research to end this devastating disease. If you would like to make a donation, you can visit:


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    Luttez contre le cancer en étant plus malin que lui. Informez-vous. Le savoir, c’est le pouvoir.
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