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Auntie's Angel's

I've lost loved ones to this disease but with today's research I have reason to celebrate for those who have survived. With this relay I feel I will help fund that research.

I walk this relay for the ones I've lost to this disease. My Auntie Edna will always be close to my heart. She died too soon, in December 2002 from breast cancer, she never got to meet my daughter and that breaks my heart. She was a strong loving woman who gave the best hugs. I walk this relay for her. When I married I gained Auntie May, she battled lung cancer for more then a year losing it in September 2007. She was the world's greatest cook and had the kindest heart. They leave a big hole in our small family.
In my life I've been fortunate to have some very dear friends. Wendi is a survivor, I love her, and I walk this relay so she will be able to continue to win her battle against cancer.


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