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Just beginning our journey...

Just beginning our journey...
Just beginning our journey...

A little blessing led to the beginning of our journey. Good things always come from our trials in life and especially this Thanksgiving season, we are so thankful for what we have and what is to come!

Hi there, my name is Becky and I am 29 years old.
I thought I'd share my story to give encouragement to anyone else that may be in a similar situation. My husband and I had tried to get pregnant for 3-4 years for a second child but realized our path may be to only have one. Our son is 6 1/2 and a busy boy, so we were ok with that. Of course they say, when you 'give-up' trying…that's when you get pregnant...well, so it was.
A great job offer sent me to northern Alberta driving truck on the oilsands this past July. After settling in the company house (my hubby and son were going to move up in September), I arrived up there on the first day and they put me through a day of various tests and examinations for employee screening. To make a long story short, I found out I was pregnant with our second child! So, being that it wasn't a pregnant-friendly job, I drove the 16 hours back home. Feeling a little bitter-sweet to be honest, I was soon reminded how life works for the good in funny little ways we don't always understand at first.
I had noticed a small little lump on the side of my left breast earlier in the summer and really thought nothing of it, but because I was pregnant I thought I'd mention it to my doctor during the lovely routine first pre-natal 'once-over'. At first, he didn't seem worried either, but since he's thorough and I was getting an ultrasound for baby anyways the next week, he ordered a screening on the lump. In my gut I kind of knew something was up, but wasn't worried or fearful one way or the other. The results of the ultrasound were such that a biopsy was ordered. The results took longer than usual...usually indicating no urgency for worry, but in this case it was because of the unusual situation. The final diagnosis; 1.4cm in size ductal carcinoma that was moving quite aggressively.
Again, I sort of knew something was up, but of course the news was still a bit to process. A little blessing led to the discovery of a soon-to-be interesting journey.
I was just released from hospital this past Friday, a week and a half after diagnosis from a full mastectomy and lymph node dissection. The baby is doing well and about 17 weeks along. Further treatment will commence in about 6 weeks so we are just taking it one day at a time. We have many thoughts and prayers coming our way and aren't fearful of the journey. Something good always comes from our trials in life.

Thank you


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