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What I did on Daffodil Day...

Today I visited the Allan Blair clinic with a friend, volunteer & Cancer Survivor. We took the clinic homemade cookies and a friendly smile thanking the staff for everything they do and showing support for the patients.

The first day I met Karen I distinctly remember her telling me how when she was going through cancer treatment she had a goal each day to make a batch of cookies. Because she was so exhausted some days it would take her a full day to make one batch, but by the end of the day she knew she accomplished something. I thought this was brilliant! So capturing this, the CCS staff thought for Daffodil Day we could honour Karen and make her some cookies and provide her with some of our favorite cookie recipes.
Karen was delighted and suggested we join her at the Allan Blair clinic which is where we shared some cookies and met some of the friendly staff and patients.
It was a day to remember....


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