Cook for the Cure DIY Fundraiser

What is KitchenAid?
Cook for the Cure

When you host a KitchenAid Cook for the Cure event, you are helping people living with breast cancer with top-notch research projects and support service programs.

With breast cancer with top-notch research projects and support service programs.

About us

Why host a Cook for the Cure event

Each dollar raised will bring us one step closer to showing that life is bigger than cancer.

To fund groundbreaking cancer research for those with living with breast cancer.

Stop breast cancer before it starts by advocating for policies that protect our health.

Ensure that no one has to face breast cancer alone by providing a national support system.

Our impact

Why it matters

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1 in 8 woman has a chance of developing breast cancer in her lifetime

Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer

The 5-year breast cancer survival rate is now 87%, compared to 73% in the 1990’s

Early detection and better treatment has led to a 44% decrease in the breast cancer death rate since 1988

Learn more

Together, we are making progress

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Invested $11.7 million in cutting-edge breast cancer research.


Responsded to nearly 8,000 inquiries about breast cancer through our support and information services.


Provided information about breast reconstruction to over 30 Breast Reconstruction Awareness (BRA) Day events.


Helped provide confidence and hope through wigs, turbans and breast prostheses to 5,400 Canadian women who had mastectomies or lost their hair during cancer treatments.

Show your passion with purpose.

Host a Cook for the Cure event to show your story with family and friends.
Together, we show that life is bigger than cancer.

Host an event