Stories of Hope

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Read stories of hope

Stories of hope about Canadian Cancer Society volunteers

Share your story and give others a reason to hope

Do you have a story to tell about how cancer has touched your life as a volunteer for the Canadian Cancer Society?

Share your story with us, and we’ll share it with the rest of the world. You can provide others with hope for the future. 

“I know that feeling of wanting to talk. When I talk to women who have just been diagnosed, and I say, ‘I’ve had this, and I’ve been here eight years,’ I can feel them nearly come through the phone they’re so relieved.”
            - Betty

“I feel that it’s really important to volunteer, just because you can see how the research has made a difference. The survival rates for things like childhood leukemia have gone up dramatically since my sister was diagnosed. All these events make a real difference. And so to me it’s just so important for all of us to get out there, to help get this disease under control.”
           - Lisa

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Getting up to Cancer Each Day

I have hairy cell leukemia and was treated in 2008 with will be having a "spleenectomy" in the near future.
