Partners | Gala des Grands Chefs - Canadian Cancer Society


For more than 20 years, the Canadian Cancer Society has been able to count on the business community’s commitment and we are so grateful for their support. Many of the businesspeople involved have contributed thousands of hours to the Gala des Grands Chefs and they have been instrumental in the success of these events. After all, it takes society to take on cancer!

This year, the Gala des Grands Chefs will be held on October 23rd, at Marché Bonsecours in Montreal. We invite you to join our partners and help support the Jacques-Cantin Lodge, a home away from home for people affected by cancer and their families.

Carine Michel

"I am proud and honoured to support the Canadian Cancer Society and to co-chair the Gala des Grands Chefs for a fourth year.

We all know a family member, friend or colleague who has cancer, which is why it’s essential that we keep supporting the research and local initiatives undertaken by CCS, especially when it comes to helping and supporting the families of those living with cancer in our area.

On a personal level, I lost my aunt to breast cancer when she was my age. Two years ago, we lost our beloved colleague, who died far too soon from pancreatic cancer. And right now, my close friend's two-year-old granddaughter is battling a cancerous brain tumor. Sadly, this disease spares no one.

A lot of progress has been made in recent years, yet we still have a long way to go!

But with your involvement, I am confident that we can ultimately eradicate this disease.”

Carine Michel
Consumer Industry Managing Partner for Canada
Deloitte Canada

Pierre Miron

"Although I've been a supporter of various charitable organizations for many years, when I was approached to act as co-chair of the Canadian Cancer Society's Gala des Grands Chefs, I didn't hesitate to accept. There are many reasons why this cause is so close to my heart.

First, my father died of cancer. Also, many of my friends and colleagues have been diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives. Some of them are now in remission, thanks to investments in cancer research. That's why we must continue to invest in improving the quality of life of people affected by cancer, saving lives and, hopefully, one day eradicating the disease altogether.

I'm honoured to be co-chairing the Gala des Grands Chefs with Carine Michel.

Together, we can make a difference!"

Pierre Miron
Executive Vice-President and
Chief Growth Officer Canadian Operations
iA Financial Group

Thank you to our co-presenters
iA Financial Group

Quebec’s Gala des Grands Chefs campaign appeals to the generosity of the business community and the general public. Join us and be part of our movement to save and improve lives.

Help change the future of cancer by supporting the Canadian Cancer Society's Jacques-Cantin Lodge, a home away from home for people with cancer who must travel to undergo treatment. The lodge also offers social and emotional support through different programs and activities. They are places where people living with cancer can meet other people with cancer and their families, who understand what they are going through.


Together, let's fund the Jacques-Cantin Lodge: a home away from home for people with cancer and their families.


Ambassadors are people from the Montreal business community who want to contribute to transforming the future of cancer.


The community of chefs is coming together to give hope to people living with cancer.

Together, let's fund the Jacques-Cantin Lodge: a home away from home for people with cancer.

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