Relay For Life at Donald A Wilson Secondary School 2024: Wilson Gator Jets - Relay For Life

Relay For Life at Donald A Wilson Secondary School 2024

Wilson Gator Jets

Welcome to the Wilson Gator Jets Relay for Life team! We're more than just a team; we're a passionate community dedicated to making a real difference in the fight against cancer. Named after the resilient spirit of Wilson and the unstoppable nature of the gator, we're fueled by hope and driven by determination.

Why Support Us?

Supporting the Wilson Gator Jets means joining a movement that's actively working towards a world where cancer no longer holds power. Here's why your support matters:

Impact: Every donation we receive directly contributes to life-saving research, vital patient support programs, and crucial education initiatives. Your contribution isn't just a number; it's a lifeline for those affected by cancer.

Community: We're more than just a team; we're a family. By supporting us, you become part of a tight-knit community that's dedicated to making a difference. Together, we provide strength, support, and solidarity to those impacted by cancer.

Hope: Cancer can feel overwhelming, but by supporting the Wilson Gator Jets, you're helping to create a future filled with hope. Your generosity fuels optimism, resilience, and the belief that together, we can overcome even the greatest challenges.

How You Can Get Involved:

1. Helping the Wilson Gator Jets is about more than just participating in a relay event; it's about joining a movement. Here's       how you can get involved:

2. Donate: Your financial support helps fund vital cancer research, patient support programs, and education initiatives. Every       dollar brings us closer to a cure.

3. Spread the Word: Share our cause with your friends, family, and social networks. The more people who know about our       mission, the greater impact we can make together.

4. Join Our Team: If you or anyone you know goes to Donald A. Wilson, and need a team to join, Wilson Gator Jets are always       looking for another member to join our team. The only requirement is to bring a positive attitude. The more help we can       get, the more of an impact that our team can make.

5. Attend Events: Keep an eye out for upcoming fundraisers and community events. Your participation not only raises funds         but also raises awareness about the importance of cancer research and support.

To everyone who has supported us, donated, volunteered, or simply shared our message, we extend our deepest gratitude.

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Support Wilson Gator Jets at Relay For Life


Our Progress

$201.50 raised $500.00 goal

Our Story

Team members

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Presenting sponsor
