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My battle continues

I had surgery for stomach cancer in March 2008, last week I was told that it is back and I start chemo next week.

I saw your campaign on breakfast TV this morning and wanted to share my story. In February 2008, I was shocked to find out that I had stomach cancer. I was immediately scheduled for surgery in March and underwent an operation to remove 70% of my stomach. After that I had 5 months of chemo to try to kill off any remaining cancer cells.

Last week I was told that the cancer is back and I must go through more chemo. This will be for control only. He says there is no more surgery that can be done.
I am angry! No way is this happening to me!

I will fight with everything I have!


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    Luttez contre le cancer en contribuant à la recherche, au soutien offert aux personnes atteintes et leurs proches ainsi qu’à la prévention et à la défense de l’intérêt public.
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